Why do I believe in God?
Because God revealed himself to me.
Giving and receiving
Do you only give only to receive something in return
How hard is it to not want anything thing back
Is it possible to give without getting something back
Is not wanting something back something you want after giving?
Definition of love: giving for the sake of the other
What are you getting back from giving for the sake of the other?
What do you want to get back?
Pleasure in the knowledge of doing something good for another
Pleasure in the knowledge you are doing God’s will, to love others?
What do you want back from God?
Can receiving be giving?
Giving your acceptance of receiving something is giving something
Can you accept something without giving something back
What do you get back from accepting something
The obligation of not having to reciprocate
A feeling of Gratitude
How does one freely give and freely receive
If it is not possible to freely give and freely receive without getting something back? then, what is the best thing to want back from giving or receiving something?
Gratitude, that you had something to give and Gratitude for what you have received
Truly, Fully and Completely Human
Truly, Fully and Completely God
The only way God could fully understand us was to become one of us fully Human
It is through Gods Humanity Jesus that we can seek, find and unite ourselves to God
How God communicates to you
Thoughts (that seem to come from a different place in your mind)
In Dreams (that seem to have relatable meaning to your life now)
People ( that say or do something for you at the perfect time when you need it)
Physically surrounding (a flash moment of feelings that gives you total contentment, peace, and joy)
Signs (things, situations, revelations, insights, all with special personal meaning to you)
Because God gave you free will, everything communicated or given to you by God comes with a choice, to believe it is from God or not to believing it is from God.
Have faith
Believe, Trust, and except what you are receiving is from God
You love him like you love your Spouse,Children and your Friends
By talking with them (praying to Jesus)
By doing things with them (going to Church)
By physical touching them (Eucharist)
Just by spending time with them (prayer)
As a Child we fear of punishment (from our Father/Mother)(fear of Hell)
As a Young Adult we fear of disappointing (our Father/Mother)(sin)
AS an Adult we feel Gratitude (for our Father/Mother)(for his Love and Mercy)
Start with Why, then the How, then the What
Why should I believe in God (save the soul from hell)
How do I believe in God (by knowing him)
What do I gain from believing in God (eternal happiness)
Discerning your choses in life
Is this chose bringing me closer to God or further away from God
Keeping your focus in prayer
Imagine yourself walking up a path and you come across an object in your pathway.
You look down at it and pick it up and spend time look it over and deciding whether to keep it or leave it back on the path.
The Path represents your prayer
The object represents a distraction
Keep walking and ignore the objects on the ground. Keep your focus on what is ahead of you and where God is leading you. Let the total surroundings reveal what God is saying to you.
As an evangelist you are fishing for new converts to the faith in our Lord and Redeemer Jesus Christ. You need to keep putting out bait (sharing your faith) at every opportunity and leave the hooking and reeling in part to the Holy Spirit.
Remember those computer generated pictures were people stare at and after awhile an image appears, and sometimes you try and try but never see the image?
Some people pray this way where they think the longer they pray, the more fervent they pray, and the more they pray, they will get something back
Then after awhile they get tired of waiting for something to come back and they just pray longer, more fervent, and pray more for the sake of praying and this is when they receive something back
Keeping the faith
Faith is like paddling up a river: sometimes because of the current you have to paddle with all your strength or because of the current you can paddle with less effort. The main thing is to keep paddling, keep learning, keep engaging, keep moving closer to God. If you stop! You will start going backwards and start losing your faith.
The River represents your faith
The boat represents your church
The paddle represents your desire
Losing a Love One
The last thing you want to do is to hurt the people you love.
The hardest thing about leaving this world, I would imagine is knowing the pain
you are causing the people who are grieving over you. Try to be happy with the memories
they have left you and know they are happy in Heaven and you will be with them
My Beatitudes
Blessed are they who give everything to God
Blessed are they who feel sorry for those who don’t follow Jesus
Blessed are they who except suffering for others
Blessed are they who seek and do what Jesus teaches
Blessed are they who give freely to others
Blessed are they who live to please God
Blessed are they who unite people in unity
Blessed are they who stand up for God
God does not need us, He wants us
We do need God , so we must want him
Let the future bring hope not anxiety
Let the past bring gratitude not regret
Let the present bring God, joy and peace
What Saints do is unite their suffering with the suffering of Christ for their soul and the souls of others.
God sometimes will take away from them his presence or consolations in order for them to desire him more and to increase their faith.
This will causes Saints to suffering the loss of his presence.This suffering then becomes a gift for them to give back to God for their salvation for the salvation of others.
Be alone with God
Let the holy sprit speak for you to Jesus
Let me live in you, who lives in me
I will my will to do His Will
I exist in God’s existence
To get closer to God , and to bring others closer to God.
Try to kindle the fire of the Holy Spirit within your soul; this will draw your family to the light of God.
It is much harder to receive, when you think you have nothing to give back. But remember gratitude is always something you have to give back.
We are joined to God by love. Love God and we will meet again in heaven
A seeker of God must not only go out looking for God but also must wait for him who seeks you.
It is from our desire to do God’s will that we learn the true nature of our other desires
Keep your interest in Jesus and the Devil will have no interest in you
When you try to hold on to everything in this world, you lose the strength to hold onto God.
It is impossible to eliminate bad thoughts, but it is possible to pay no attention to them.
Jesus said we must love our neighbor. But if we don't like our neighbor, how can we love them? We can pray for them, this is a way of loving them.
You know you are getting closer to God when you have the patients to observer a leaf falling from a tree and gently land on the ground.
The best way to introduce God to others is by letting Him introduce himself through you.
Believe in God and God will reveal himself to you
It is better to stay away from temptation than to test your will power over temptations.
When you chose to love God more than anything else in this world you are giving your whole heart to God and for that, God will fill it full of his love for you.
What seems like going around in circles trying to find God just might be going around the mountain slowly climbing up closer to God.
Preventing thoughts from your pass or thoughts about your future gives you the opportunity to experience God in the present.
How are we going to hear God when you are always active in doing something?
The miracles I do not see are a miracle.
As not to disturb your reality and peace God comes to you
in a very natural and peaceful way.
Nothing needs to be said, when you are with the one you love
My last thought in this life
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